Susan Lynn Meyer

Writing Prompt Fridays! One

On Fridays, I’m going to post prompts for writers who feel like trying something new to spark creativity. Most will work for both memoir writers and fiction writers.

Most will work for teachers to use with kids, too.


DID YOU DO IT?  If you wrote for half an hour or longer (or, for kids, whatever time the teacher sets), even if you didn’t complete a story or an episode, you have met the writing challenge!  You can post “DID IT!” in the comments!

If you’d like to post a bit of something you wrote in the comments, I’ll be very excited to see it.  Please do!


Scroll down past the picture when you are ready to write:





Remember a piece of clothing you hated when you were a child. Why did you hate it? What did it feel like when you wore it?  How did people react?

Memoir writers: Write out your memory.

Fiction writers: Narrate an episode in which a child has to wear that piece of clothing.

Posted in Writing Prompt Fridays on 02/19/2016 05:00 am


  1. Ms7 responded to your prompt. You can see her story in her own handwriting, illustrated, at . Here it is, reproduced with her spelling, punctuation and grammar.

    The girl who didn’t like wearing clothes

    Long ago, a little girl named Jessica lived in Connecticut. She was a absurd little girl. Everyone thought she was normal and very common. But actually she was very, very unique because she hated wearing clothes! But her mom forced her to anyway! Her friends teased her after they knew she hated wearing clothes. But her mom loved her no mater what happened. One day Jessica was getting dressed for school; she and picked out a red dress with black lace and black shoes it was her first time ever wearing a dress! As soon as she put it on … she knew immediately her body was made for dresses! They were comfterble, beautiful and great looking. Jessica loved dresses so much she wore them to school every day! After that amazing, wonderful day no one ever said mean things about Jessica and everyone thought of her as a normal and sensible girl!

    [Ms7 does like wearing dresses, but as far as I know never preferred to not wear clothes, so I don’t think this is autobiographical.]


    • Please tell Ms.7 I love this story! I especially love “she knew immediately her body was made for dresses.” Thank you for posting this!


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