Susan Lynn Meyer

Writing Prompt Fridays: Two

On Fridays, I’m going to post prompts for writers who feel like trying something new to spark creativity. Most will work for both memoir writers and fiction writers.

Most will work for teachers to use with kids, too.


DID YOU DO IT?  If you wrote for half an hour or longer (or, for kids, whatever time the teacher sets), even if you didn’t complete a story or an episode, you have met the writing challenge!  You can post “DID IT!” in the comments!

If you’d like to post a bit of something you wrote in the comments, I’ll be very excited to see it.  Please do!


Scroll down past the picture when you are ready to write:



Fiction writers

Write a story that begins with the following sentence:

“The water fountain at the zoo was definitely broken.”


Memoir Writers

Write out a memory involving an experience at the zoo.  It might involve an animal you loved or an animal you were frightened by.  Maybe you got lost at the zoo.  Maybe you begged your parent to buy you something special to eat.  Maybe a child begged you to buy her something.  Was it a hot day or a cloudy day or a wintry one?  Did something dismaying or odd or unexpected happen at the zoo?

Or, if you’ve never been to a zoo, narrate a memory involving any animal.


Posted in Animals, Writing Prompt Fridays on 02/26/2016 05:00 am


  1. Did it! I wasn’t expecting that prompt after seeing the picture, but the image added a funny twist to the writing ideas I came up with.


  2. That’s great, Joy! I was thinking of the image as a path representing the journey of writing, or something like that. But if you look at the previous post, you’ll see why I’ve been thinking about zoos!


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