Susan Lynn Meyer

More on Immigration Restrictions

My thirteen-year-old niece, Chloe Meyer-Gehrke, has read my novels inspired by my father’s World War II experiences.  She also came to my book release parties and sat in the front row!

She got interested in the way Jewish refugees were kept out of the United States during World War II.

Recently, for a school project, Chloe made an impressive video about that subject.

Here it is: Chloe’s video.

It is quite something, as my Dad would have said!  She did a remarkable amount of historical research.  And she found some great video clips!

You can also hear my Dad talking in the video.  He’s talking about a real-life incident.  It’s one I included in Skating With the Statue of Liberty.  You’ll recognize it if you read that novel.

Here’s Chloe with her grandpa a few years back:


She’s bigger now!  One of my great pleasures is looking for books for her, especially in used book sales, where you can find great books, often in terrific condition.  Here she is, with some books I sent her recently:



But if my Dad and his family hadn’t been able to enter the United States and start anew, none of us would have been here.

Not my Dad.  Not any of those grandchildren with him in the photo up above.  Not Chloe.  Not me.

It’s so important to let people whose lives are in danger in their home countries come to America.




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